NDepend, a review

Shortly ago I got my hands on NDepend, thanks to Patrick Smacchia, lead developer for NDepend, a static code analyzer made for performing static analysis on .NET code

On this blog post, I am doing to explain a bit what is it and what it does

What is NDepend?

As mentioned, a static analysis code for .NET & .NET Core. Static means that the code analysis is performed on the code while it is not being executed.

Usually static code analysis is performed to ensure that the code adheres to some guidelines or metrics, like the number of warnings, certain errors..

Probably, if you work professionally with .NET you have worked with static analyzers from visual studio itself, being the most common Fxcop, Stylecop or the more advanced SonarQube.

That said, the fact is that these code analyzers do not compete with NDepend as they are fundamentally different. In fact, they complement each other.

What is different?

Basically, the rule set implemented by NDepend is essentially different from the other static analyzers, like SonarQube or other Roslyn Analyzers. These are good to analyze what happens in a method, code, syntax and the code flow… whilst NDepend is good at seeings things from a wider, higher-level perspective. It is really focused on analyzing the architecture, OOP structure and implementation, dependencies – where the product name comes from 😉 -, metrics, breaking changes and mutability – and many others too.

The strength of NDepend relies in analyzing software architectures and their components, complexity and interrelation whilst other products strengths are at a different level, focusing more in code modules, being all of them of course excellent products.

NDepend is designed to integrate with some of these products, like SonarQube.

To know more, here

What does it do?

It performs static code analysis on .NET & .NET Core and, upon that, delivers the following information about your code and, importantly, its architecture:

  • Technical Debt Estimation
  • Issue identification
  • Code quality
  • Test Coverage
  • Complexity and diagrams
  • Architecture overview

(Note: it does way more but I’ve shortened to what I think Is important)

And it shows it in a very smart way, let me show you the NDepend Dashboard:

ndepend 01.JPG

Additionally it integrates seamlessly with visual studio, TFS and VSTS. Integrates especially well with the build process, provides the ability to analyze this data over time, comparing builds, test coverage, the build processes.

To know more, here 

Another feature, which is important for communicating to management and reasoning on “passing a milestone” or “fixing the technical debt” (read Technical Debt as the total issues that we leave in the code knowing they are there… but software has to ship, right?). But coming to this, it provides a smart estimation on it.


A quick example

To get some hands on .NET Core I implemented recently a simple service in .NET Core, which I implemented some tests just for fun and also made it asynchronous. Let’s see how it faces the truth! – Just bear in mind it was a just for fun project and time was limited 😉

I’ts quite easy, I followed the steps on the “getting started” video here, installed NDepend, its visual studio plug-in and opened my VS2017, where now appears an NDepend tab.

Let’s open my RomanConverter coding dojo self practice project and click on attach a new NDepend project.

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The following window appears and we can already click the “play” green button.

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On the bottom right corner, there is a sphere indicating the status of NDepend. This will start the analysis and the indicator will showcase that it is analyzing.

Once finished, our report will display itself on a browser.

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From the Dashboard, click and explore the different information exposed.

A simple click in the Rules Pane, for example, in the violated rules gives us this dashboard:

ndepend 03b.JPG

I find it brilliant, not only the issues are identified but a stacked DataBars are used to showcase the rules with more issues or, with bigger times to fix, as well as having them slightly color identified so understanding which issue(s) are the most critical and deciding which ones to tackle first – or right away – is pretty damn intuitive.

Note to this: I also realized, thanks Patrick for pointing, that clicking on the issues will show them, so what seems like a presentation UI is becoming like a fully interactive dashboard that gets you into action – or to understand the underlying issues better.

There are easily identifiable what our managers would call “low hanging fruit”, easy to fix and saving trouble for later..

Other useful panel is the Queries and Rules explorer which we can open from the circle menu, on the bottom right corner. Or we can use the usual menu: NDepend à Rules à View Explorer Panel.

ndepend 04a.JPG

And it will appear:

ndepend 04.JPG

With this panel, we can explore the rules that the solution has violated, which are grouped into categories like Code Smells, Object Oriented Design, Architecture, Code Coverage, Naming conventions, a predefined “Quality Gates”, Dead Code, and many more… If we click on a rule, we can explore the  C# LINQ Query aka “CQLinq” query that defines it.

This CQLinq attacks a code model dedicated to code quality and can be edited live and also compiled & executed live.

An example of such rule follows:

// <Name>Interfaces must start with an I</Name>
 warnif count > 0 
 Application.Types.Where(t => t.IsInterface && !t.SimpleName.StartsWith("I"))

And it seems damn simple, even to me.. 😉

From here we can quickly access the offensive code and fix it.

Other visualizations that must be explored are the Dependency graph, matrix, and the Metrics view.

All are advanced visualizations which show great insight on our solution and how it is structured. Let’s see them.

Code Metrics View

ndepend 05.JPG

Here we can see that by default we are analyzing our Methods with Lines of Code versus Cyclomatic Complexity. This visualization being a treemap, helps greatly to understand the information.

We can configure the metrics, with a wide selection on level of granularity, size (of the treemap boxes) and color. An especially useful one is code coverage.

An example can be seen next, based on the own Ndepend 😉  source here


Dependency Graph

Here we can see a graph representation, initially on our namespaces which uses LOC as sizing factor for the nodes and the members for the width of the edges connecting them. We can also include the third party assemblies.

ndepend 06.JPG

It is great for getting to know if the interfaces are respected from a Software Architecture viewpoint or, to see if certain assembly is used only where it should be.

I saw no possibility to group several assemblies into one, for example, the explosion of Microsoft.AspNetCore into several assemblies is of no use, I would like to be able to group them into a single Node for example for having the graph more clear. Otherwise this can add noise which can might make other relations I want to visualize harder to detect.. (Update: Patrick Smacchia mentioned that this is on the works – cool!)


The Dependency Matrix

Large solutions would make the previous graph representation a mess, too many namespaces and assemblies. Here we can select namespaces or assemblies and restrict them, drilling down to the elements that we want to dig in, and go to their graph view.

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There we can select even a method and right click to either see it on a dependency graph view or as a dependency matrix.


What is special about it?

Simply said, its estimation is not only based on source code, but also on the solution level analysis, as mentioned earlier.

Also I mentioned the C# LINQ Queries and it seems to me like a quite flexible approach, everything is interlinked and all the analysis are performed on queries and a lot of the data presented is based on queries apart from the rules: trend, quality gate, searches..

Its visualizations are special, point. Showing the right visualization for the job in a simple, yet efficient, way. Yes, if we are not used to Graphs, Dependency matrixes or tree maps this tool can look intimidating, but don’t be. Once you get used to it, it will become second nature. I used it some years ago to fix a mess and it helped greatly. I did not use it fully though, just for two visualizations.

Other aspect I do really like is that whenever you visualize some information, all relevant information comes along. An example are the Rules! I like the detail that even on the top menu we can see what the current solution is violating.

Or the fact that when I see the rules panel, I see the issues next to the debt and the annual interest and more.

Fundamentally, helps by showing important information where we need it.

Should we use it?

First, to have a visual reference of your project and what is good (or wrong) on it. It can show a lot of things in a very visual way, which can help greatly in:

  1. Knowing the state of our solution
  2. Understanding (the issues, where are they, and the effort it will take to fix them)
  3. Communicating to managers


Concrete features:

  • Enforce Technical Debt measurement in your coding guidelines and processes. This is especially regarding the cost to fix and cost of letting unfixed issues “in”.
  • Understand the entanglement of our software
  • Analyze Software architecture and Code Quality
  • Accurately track the state of our software over time, being able to determine its improvement (or worsening) on its different attributes.


Summarizing – I like it a lot!

It is easy to get lost but it is a rare jewel with an entry barrier that you should push until it’s broken, to see its beauty or, said clearly, its usefulness.

To me its best feature is able to showcase already implemented software architectures in a different, kinesthesic way, with different visualizations tailored to showcase and highlight important aspects of your software.  This is great to see the real state of your code and understand it – and fix it.










Introduction to the Azure Machine Learning Workbench

Following the announcements post published some days ago  here,  we will dig deeper on this new tool, the Workbench. This is also called AML Workbench, which is shorter and this term will be used from now on to refer to Azure Machine Learning Workbench (glad about the acronym as I do not want to type that again :P)


But, what’s the AML Workbench?

It is a desktop application for Windows and MacOS, it has built-in data preparation that learns the data preparation steps as we perform them, which is able take avantage of the best open source frameworks including TensorFlow, Cognitive Toolkit, Spark ML and scikit-learn.

This also means that if you have a GPU that supports AI (read my earlier blog post on the topic here https://joslat.blog/2017/10/15/give-me-power-pegasus-or-the-state-of-hardware-in-ai/ ) you will be benefitting from that power heads-on.

Oh, it has also a command line interface for those who like them 😀


Sounds interesting? Then let’s get started!


Concepts first!

AML – Azure Machine Learning

This is in need to be described at the earliest as it might be a bit confusing. This is a solution proposal from Microsoft that englobes different components and services to provide an integrated end-to-end solution for data science and advanced analytics.

With it we can prepare data, develop experiments and deploy models at cloud scale (read massive scalability here)

AML consists of a few components:

  • AML Workbench – Desktop tool to “do-it-all” from a single location.
  • AML Experimentation Service – I “suppose” this will enable us to validate hypothesis in a protected scenario.
  • AML Model Management Service – I suppose this will enable us to manage our models
  • Microsoft Machine Learning Libraries for Apache Spark (MML Spark Library) – I read Spark/Hadoop integration here, probably to Azure servers
  • Visual Studio Code Tools for AI – I read here R & Python integration with Visual Studio


This picture showcases how AML Workbench fits in the Microsoft AI Ecosystem:

AML intro architec high level.JPG

To say that AML fully integrates with OS (Open Source) initiatives such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit or Spark ML.

The created experiments can be run in managed environments as Docker containers and clusters running Hadoop with Spark (I am wondering why is Microsoft is only mentioning Spark there if they work together? – Ok! As it was built as an improvement over MapReduce it can also run Stand Alone in the cloud, that’s why!). Also they can use advanced hardware like GPU-enabled VMs in Azure.

AML is built on top of the following technologies:

  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Apache Spark
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Python
  • Conda


AML Workbench (yeah, finally!)

Desktop application with a command-line for Windows & MacOS to manage ML solutions through the entire data science life cycle.

  • ETL
  • Model development and experiment management
  • Model Deployment


It provides the following functionalities:

  • Data Preparation that can learn by example (Wow!)
  • Data source abstraction
  • Python SDK for invoking visually constructed data preparation packages (SSIS anyone?)
  • Built-in Jupyter Notebook service and Client UX (like anaconda?)
  • Experiment monitoring and management
  • Role-based access to support sharing and collaboration
  • Automatic project snapshots for each run and version control (trazability on “experiments” at last!) along GIT integration
  • Integration with popular Python IDEs


Let’s install it!

First things first, do you have a computer with windows 10 or macOS Sierra? (I guess you won’t have a Windows Server 2016 at home, do you?) If so proceed.. else go update https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/b/windows 😉


Oh, well… before installing we need to set up an ML experimentation account..

Go log-in in the Azure portal here https://portal.azure.com/

Click on the new button (+) on the top left corner of the Azure portal and tzpe “machine learning” and select the “Machine Learning experimentation (preview)”

Azure 01 MLE preview.JPG

Click create and fill in the nice form:

Azure 02 MLE preview.JPG

Be sure to select “DevTest” as the cost-saving Model Management pricing tear, otherwise it will have a cost. Dev Test appears as “0.00”. Otherwise you might forget and have a non-pleasant surprise…

Azure 03 MLE preview.JPG

As I am not that much into playing with azure at a personal level (mostly HOLs and learning) I deleted all my resources, including a DB I created at a HOL that suddenly had a cost… luckily very low… and created all the required elements from the ground up. Resource Group, experimentation account, storage account, workspace, model management account, account name… my recommendation is that you keep that data safe and close to you. As this is all protected by Microsoft’s Azure security.

Oh, and Click “Create” to create all this components in the cloud. We should see a “Deployment in progress..” message which should be over in a couple of minutes, as shown in the picture below.

Azure 04 MLE preview.JPG

Also we should see the details of the resources created, storage, resource group, etc… along some useful tools to download (at last) the AML Workbench.

We can also download it from here https://aka.ms/azureml-wb-msi

And double click it or right click and select “install”.

After the installer loads we should see the gorgeous installer…

Azure 05 MLE preview.JPG

It’s clean, it’s Metro..ups! I meant modern!

As usual, click continue and you will be presented the dependencies and installation path, shown next.

Azure 06 MLE preview.JPG

There I did not like I could not change the installation path… so we can only click the install button… and cross fingers that this does not create any conflict with your Anaconda installation… as this is a clear preview (read here: under your own responsibility)

Oh, I do NOT recommend you to wait for the installation to finish…

…go watch a series or to the gym (as I did in fact) – the installation will take about half an hour to download and install all the required components…


Now AML Workbench (preview) is installed in your computer, congratulations!!

Azure 07 MLE preview.JPG

Note that you can find it at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\AmlWorkbench

Oh, and get used to this icon, I have the feeling we will be visiting it for a while 😉

But let’s continue, we are not yet finished!!


First steps!

So, let’s do something! Baby steps of course..

Start it and log-in to your Azure/Microsoft account. Automatically you should be able to see the recently created workspace in the Azure portal.


Click on the plus sign next to “Projects” panel in the top left or in the text menu, select File and then “New Project…”

We will give our project a name, like “Iris”, then select a directory to save your Azure Machine Learning Projects in your local computer and add a description.

We have to select our workspace, which by default will be the one we just created in the first place.

We will select the template “Classifying Iris” and click on the “Create” button below. This template is a companion sample project for Azure Machine Learning which uses the iris flower dataset.

Azure 07b MLE preview.JPG

Once the project has been created we will see the dashboard of the recently created project.

We can see several sections from our dashboard: the home section of our project, the data sources, notebooks, runs and Files.

On the project dashboard panel we can see a description of our project with instructions on how to set it up and follow the Quick start and tutorials, as well as an execution section.

The Data panel showcases the data sources and the preparations for obtaining them. This is a pretty special section with truly amazing features that can only be found on the AML Workbench, but we will see it on a next post.

It is worth noting that the Notebook panel is basically a Jupyter notebook container, as on the installation there was a custom anaconda installation being made, which also did not seem to tamper with my installation of Anaconda…

We can also open the project in Visual Studio Code or other configured IDE.

If we do not have we can install it now here https://code.visualstudio.com/

On the text menu, select File, then “Configure Project IDE” and input a name and the path for your IDE, which I selected VS Code, as we can see next:

Azure 08 MLE preview.JPG

Once this is installed, we should install Python support for VSCode, so we go to the extensions menu and select one of the Python extensions. In my case I selected the Python 0.7.0 from Don Jayamanne, but this extension seems the most complete.

Azure 09 MLE preview.JPG

Once this is set up we can go to the text menu, click on File, then on “Open Project”, next to it should appear our configured IDE between brackets, “(Visual Studio Code)”. We can see VSCode with the project loaded and we can click on one of the Python source files, for example, iris_sklearn.py. We should see the syntax highlighter at work, intellisense also working, between some other features.

Azure 10 MLE preview.JPG

Now, let’s execute it, we can go to the project dashboard panel and select “local”, then the source file “iris_sklearn.py” and add “0.01” in the arguments and click run.

We could also execute it on the Files panel, select the “iris_sklearn.py”

On the right side of AML Workbench, the Jobs pane should appear and showcase the execution(s) that we have started.

While we are at it, we could try some other executions changing the argument to range from 0.001 to 10.

Azure 11 MLE preview.JPG

What we are doing is executing a logistic regression algorithm which uses the scikit-learn library.

Once the different executions have finished, we could go to the Runs panel. There, select “iris_sklearn.py” on the run list and the run history dashboard should show the different runs.

Azure 12 MLE preview.JPG

We can click on the different executions and see the details.

By now we have grasped the concepts of AML and its ecosystem, configured our environment in Azure, installed the Workbench, configured and next created a sample project and executed it locally.

Hope this was a good introduction and you enjoyed it.


